Saturday, May 19, 2007

Blinded by Patriotism

made in China

Shane Wealti @ Dane101:
The allegations of misconduct stem from an incident in 2002 where workers in El Salvador were laid off when Hermosa Manufacturing closed. The closing of the factory left 260 workers jobless and with nearly $1 million owed in severance pay and back wages. Adidas claims that they are not responsible for providing back wages or severance pay to the workers because the workers were employed by Hermosa Manufacturing, the subcontractor, and that they paid the money to Hermosa.

Many members of the Labor Licensing Policy Committee indicated that they were skeptical of this justification because, if true, it would mean that the UW code of conduct for licensees has little meaning because any labor infraction could be blamed on a subcontractor.

Download mp3:
Company Flow, "Patriotism" [z-share-d]

The tube socks with three stripes @ nosweatapparel

El-P, I'll Sleep When You're Dead @ emusic [not the song source, but we're told an overdue review will surface somewhere]

Friday, May 18, 2007

end of the line

Fuck a quote:
Skream, "Midnight Request Line" [mp3, z-share-d]

Tes La Rok, "Uprise" [mp3, z-share-d]

Thursday, May 17, 2007

a request: breathe us

"Germain Q. Stemme" commenting @ Badger Herald:
If the Tavern League doesn't buy their way out of this one, I hate to say it, but I think our democracy is doomed.
Download Mp3s:
Sia, "Breathe Me" [z-share-d]

Sia, "Breathe Me," Four Tet rmx [z-share-d]

Zero 7, "Sommersault," Danger Mouse rmx ft. MF Doom [z-share-d]
Sia, Colour the Small One @ amazon.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A request: tie us up

Obedient slave sought by sexy mistress - w4m -
Beautiful and sexy mistress needs a very willing slave to satisfy my needs. I am very demanding and I expect total obedience. If you please me,1
Kenneth Burns2, on sleep apnea:
And so came the evening when I dropped him off at the UW Hospital, where he spent the night at the sleep laboratory, wired up like a science project.
Download mp3:
Mirah, "Murphy Bed" [z-share-d]
Mirah, You Think It's Like This But Really It's Like This @ emusic

  1. Post flagged before we had a chance to be spammed submit. Google cuts off there. There were also mentions of affluence, discretion.
  2. We hear a profusion of proper nouns does wonders for page rank, but mostly, we were reaching for a quote--and wouldn't want to frame a post around a rental unit we couldn't afford. [double-entendre unintended--ed.] In any event, you will probably see his name again if we get the urge to drop some E-40.

Tell me why?

Download mp3 [z-share-d]:
Read below: outtake from interview with Psalm One, post-feminist identity Q

EWV: You say "bitch" and "ho" sometimes...

Psalm One: Yeah... it's a weird thing. It's the same thing like with being black and the n-word youknowwhatimean?--what context is it ok? And sometimes you don't know. I swear sometimes, I'll hear somebody say "oh that bitch" or "that ho" and I'll cringe.

But I know I say the shit all the time. I say bitch and ho like 5 times a day youknowhatimean... describing different people, different genders--just, people. Like "bitch" to me doesn't necessarily mean a chick, but I do describe chicks as bitches sometimes. it definitely depends on the context...

Like there's a joke where Money Mike says "I call you bitches cause I don't know your names individually."[laughing]youknowwhatimean, like that's funny. [all in the delivery, ed.]

But I wouldn't want him comin' up and being like "hey bitch", you know?. It's sorta weird. It's a very touchy subject--but I'd like to think that my bitches and hos come out and you kinda know where I'm going with it. I kinda specifically say "this is why i'm using this word"--[missing passage] and I try not to call [what?] because that's just disrespectful. My "bitches" and "hos" are just like a general, "you're acting like an asshole."

EWV: Those terms are kind of gendered--is saying "asshole" more constructive?

PO: Yeah, exactly. Yeah, like, I'd probably call like if a girl was pissin' me off i'd be like "what a fuckin' bitch". But if a guy was pissin' me off, i'd probably be more inclined to be like might say bitch, but I would probably be like "what an asshole". They're both negative, and both can be hurtful terms so in that sense i shouldn't say it all. But at the same time, like, as far as gender-specific: I would call a certain woman a bitch, I wouldn't call all women bitches, i guess that's probably is the difference. Like I know some dudes, they address women as bitches--that to me is ridiculous.

Bonus: Rob Dz to Tom Laskin in '05:
'I think we're all out here for the future,' he says slowly, measuring each word. 'You want everyone to dance, but you want to say the right things. We don't want to be calling everyone bitches and hos.'

Monday, May 14, 2007

Sample snitching on EL-P... or was it Ant?

In the Company of Thieves barista spins:
Brian Eno, "Driving Me Backwards" [z-share-d]

Chopped, w/ accelerant:
Slug+EL-P, "Homecoming" [z-share-d]

Sunday, May 13, 2007

John Lennon and Sadat X read newspapers

Kenneth Burns on Music & Lyrics:
I was surprised at the seriousness with which the film treats songwriting, a craft I know a little something about. I especially know what it is like to be blocked, as the Grant character is. Barrymore has a helpful insight when she says a good way to find inspiration is simply to walk around, to look and listen. John Lennon read newspapers for ideas, as I recall. In fact, he wrote a song referencing that very method.

S.J. Barlament on brand identity issues:
"Though I've gotta point this out: It's Post--not The Post. Just sayin'. (But most people call it 'The Post' anyway. Guess that's just the way it goes.)"
Lazy mining of OHHLA confirmed that rappers generally prefer to rhyme "Post" with "Ghost" and "Toast." Perhaps we will one day make like GZA and put together a print media rap mega-mix.

Download Mp3s:
  1. Sadat X's literalist reading of The Post. [mp3, z-shared-d]
  2. Sadat opened the Daily News first. [mp3, z-shared-d]

Sadat X's Experience & Education and Black October @ Amazon.

read, react

  • Generally quotes + mp3s, selected by analog contextual algorithms. (A primitive aural spin on Ad-Sense, which will not be awkardly sidebar-mashed, for obvious reasons).
  • Possibly outtakes from other endeavors--contributed by interns. Otherwise, minimal text.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Invest In Ear Plugs (Z-share-d)

Liberated from certain weekly chores, Post's S.J. Barlament sought out the pleasures of shiny guns and the Rapture, like a teetotaler in chief tying one on in Iran.

It hurt his ears:

If I had somehow been able to make it through to the end, I'm sure the highlight would have been the band's performance of "Jealous Lovers," which I'm assuming they broke out to end their show. As it turned out, though, I mostly just really, really liked the part where I got my hearing back.
We do not look forward to the Rapture, unless Kid 606 will be mauling Jesus.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nara Leao, lo-fi samples (Z-Share-d)

Jason Guthry said:
  • "Vento de Maio's tracks are divided about equally between sparse songs--mainly voice, nylon-stringed guitar and light percussion-- and fully orchestrated numbers. The orchestrated songs are good; the sparse ones are totally transcendent."
Vento de Maio samples:
Jason also requests that you "Please pardon the quality of these samples; they are recordings from my original LP and have a few imperfections and pops. Recordings are in mono, like the original source and were not pre-amped, so they are a bit quiet."
  • Buy the Japanese Vento De Maio reissue via Amazon (import, if that wasn't clear)

Monday, January 1, 2007